23 Questions with Bond Collective - Bob Gearing from Socialbakers

23 Questions with Bond Collective is a series highlighting the impressive 1,500+ person community spread across the Bond Collective portfolio. The series will feature members from 60 Broad55 BroadwayGowanus and Flatiron locations and Bond Collective employees as well. 23 Questions will explore all different walks of life and show just how unique and vast the Bond Collective network continues to become.


Bob Gearing is the Global Head of Enterprise Solutions at Socialbakers. A Digital Marketing Executive with vast experience in serving large enterprise customers, Bob helps his enterprise customers get the most out of digital marketing. Bob has a strong track record of partnering with business stakeholders to deliver large scale, impactful and innovative marketing solutions.

Imported from Detroit. Loves: Social. Scotch. 8-8 Lions Seasons. Hates: 8-8 Lions Seasons. Scotch. We asked Bob a few questions...


1 - First thing you do in the morning?
Huge morning person. Since Socialbakers is based in Prague, I end up reading emails from our international offices and then head to the gym.

2 - Top 3 songs to listen to when you need to get work done?
Eminem - Till I Collapse, Bleachers - Good Morning, Anything Hall & Oates - they’re still fire

3 - Favorite coffee shop and go to order?
I love Stumptown Coffee and I usually crush a cold brew.

4 - Gmail or Outlook?
Gmail, 100%. Do people still use Outlook?

5 - App you can’t live without?
Whatsapp. Our company is global so I’m always trying to coordinate projects and meetings in different time zones. Also, HQ. I’ve got everyone in the office obsessed with it.

6 - First job?
Cutting grass with my brother, Heavy C. We packed up my dads lawn mower to make some money and went around the neighborhood. Started our quest as entrepreneurs early.

7 - Favorite lunch spot?
If I’m in BK working from home, I love Sunday in Brooklyn. When I’m in the office, JustSalad or Dos Toros.

8 - Early or late?
I’m up late all the time, but I’m up early too. I probably don’t sleep enough? I also hate being late to meetings; it’s my pet peeve. 

9 - How do you unwind after a long day of work?
Either grabbing a drink with friends or catching up with my folks on the phone.

10 - What’s your lucky charm?
I’ve worn a Saint Christopher necklace every day since I was 6 or 7 years old. I’ve had to get it resized a few times.

11 - What inspires you?
Making my parents proud and crushing it on the reg!

12 - Social Media account everyone should be following?
@LOVE @HouseofHighlights (Instagram), @pardonmytake (Twitter/Instagram & Podcast), @cabinlove (Instagram), @camerajesus (Instagram), @Shinola (all platforms) and obviously, @Socialbakers (all platforms!)

13 - Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
ABC - always be closing. I believe I received this solid piece of advice from Glen Gary...or was it Glenn Ross? But seriously, one of my early mentors, Pete Thureson (who I still keep in touch with) pushed me to be the guy that people wanted to do business with. I pride myself on being a relationship sales person, I hope that I can just keep my name top of mind for when the timing or product is right!

14 - How long did it take you to get to work this morning?
Too long. The L is a nightmare lately, so I would say 33 minutes.

15 - When’s the last time you celebrate a win?
My recent promotion here at Socialbakers. My boss (who was also recently promoted) was in town to run the NYC marathon, so we celebrated at Eleven Madison Park. My good friend got us in since my boss is a HUGE foodie, major points for me, ha.

16 -If you could squeeze one more activity into your daily life, what would it be?
I wish I could see my family more (they’re all in Detroit).

17 - If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Blue, I hate writing in black.

18 - What is the most interesting thing about you?
I previously was known as Satoshi Nakamoto…

19 - Last show you binge watched?
Mindhunters. It took me a day and half to watch the entire thing. Tweet me to discuss when you’re done.

20 - Biggest Cheerleader?
My parents, my brother Heavy C and my best friend, Ma (Mike) Kusch.

21 - Call or text?
I’d always prefer a call, but texting is happening A LOT more often for me lately.

22 - Favorite book?
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight is my favorite recent read.

23 - Name 5 people (dead or alive) you would invite to a dinner party.
Dan Gilbert (LOVE what he’s doing to my hometown, still haven’t got to meet him in person, yet), Joe Biden (Uncle Joe, please come back), Henry Ford -(would love to pick his brain), Friar John Cor (first known Scotch distiller - thank you sir!), Sheryl Sandberg (such a boss!)



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